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Sunday, 30 July 2017

Dolphin Magic

  Dolphin Magic

I went out into the Bay 
To fish and to play
With the wind and the waves
A passing school of Dolphins
Joined me and joyfully accepted
The fish I offered them 
Then suddenly disappeared.

The next day I set out for some distant shore.
With clouds passing me by one by one.
The seagulls call I could not ignore.
The wind and the waves joined forces with a roar.
That hurried me on the way.

Froth flying from on top of the mighty waters.
The gale had sprung up tearing at the sails.
I thought the main mast would bend and break.
If I did not lower the sheets fast enough.

Through the rain splashed waves
A school of Dolphins surrounded me. 
They ran ahead of me, showing the way.
Although I could not understand why.
I followed them, until suddenly they turned 
And waved goodbye

Now right ahead of me I make out land. 

A giant’s hand the storm lifted the boat almost 
Out of the raging sea wind and waves hurled me 
Over a reef of barrier rocks, 
Into a silent Lagoon, safe and free.

If I live to a hundred I can never forget.
What the dolphins did for me.

By Hillie Feldman    25th February 2003



I paint flower if I’m in the mood
I’ll paint anything if it’s good
For my, palette, brush or paints.

It’s always wonderful for me 
  To see, a blank board or canvas.
Turn into living, breathing, beautiful picture.
   A delight to the passing parade.

Johannesburg Sunday morning '93 at the Zoo Lake
      Spring and Summer, Art Exhibition
I set up my easel and a table full of Acrylic paints.
My model a blue Vase, and magnificent variety of Flowers.

I hardly started when a crowd gathered behind me.
   A Press Photographer took a set of shots,
While I got on with shaping the vase and positioning 
   The lovely green leaves, white, red, blue
And purple blooms

Those were the days when I was prepared to battle.
    With the elements  and customers’ demands 
The paint, Seascapes, Landscapes, Still Life and flowers. 
    And anything else, we, fancied at the time.

I’m retired now and don't have to paint
For Rands and Cents, Pounds or  Pence, or 
Even Dollars, or Dimes.

It’s a grand feeling, when you can satisfy 
   Your own Heart’s desire painting
      For the pure, love of Art.
        Flowers any Time.

By Hillie Feldman, November 2003

Floating Flowers
 I awoke from a dream
so vivid I could smell
the flowers that were floating
in the air in their thousands
covering the sky from horizon 
to horizon.
The famous flower markets of 
Holland could not have coped 
with the masses of blooms 
borne on the winds
from every corner of the earth.
The white of the Chincherinchees
Tulips black, red, pink and gold
Gladioli in pinks, red and white
Roses in every color and multi
coloreds dripping drops of perfume
that teased the nostrils of everyone
everyone, everywhere near this 
heavenly sight.
Hillie Feldman 3rd August 1982
Edited from manuscript by Ronnie Feldman.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Throw away society

Throw away society

If an electric flat iron packs in,
The voices in the background say, 
Throw it away.
If a favorite Hairdryer expires,
A chorus pipes up, loud and clear,
Throw it away

You have a special night light, in case
There is a NY black out, during a car chase 
Taking place on TV, a voice calls out 
It won’t pay you to repair it, just chuck it out.

Whether it’s the kettle, The two ring stove,
The washing machine or damaged clothes,
If you ever suggest that maybe it can be repaired.
My sons amongst others say, throw it away.

I fixed something, quite recently almost as good as new,
After five days for no reason at all, the bloody thing blew
The damage was ten times what it would have cost,
Had I bought a replacement brand new
       I now support the “Throw Away Society”.

My wife and I are members of “The Antique Club”.
Entitled to join when you are over seventy- eight.
        We discuss with love and contemplate 
        the possibility, We could one day be.
  Victims of “The Throw away Society”.

By Hillie Feldman 24th August 2003

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

No other Choice

No other Choice

Why must we fight,
 Like dogs over a bone
Others who look on 
Seek to make us atone
For acts of horror we heap 
On each other’s heads
We are left to count 
The Wounded, the maimed 
   Injured and the dead.

After 5000 years you come to light 
With the idea that you do not want Israel 
            In your sight
Nowhere in the Middle East 
You would prefer us in the Med'
  The Red or Dead Sea-
      Ten leagues under.

A little late in historic terms
Time enough for you to learn
That many nations sought
  Our total destruction
But none succeeded 
In this, select purpose.

All those who hated us 
Have been consigned to 
The rubbish heap of history
Had they chosen to build 
Rather than destroy, their Gods
Would have showered them 
With life, and loves rewards.

Even Hitler who boasted his Reich 
Would last a thousand years
Hardly existed twelve, before 
A disgusted world 
Wreaked vengeance for the misery 
Blood and tears, he augmented.

Time and the world will allow
Us no other alternative to this
Combines our people’s wisdom 
And knowledge, to create two States
Living side by side.

We would become the envy of nations
Hopefully attain the happiness
All people deserve and seek. 
We have tried everything else
Over many decades, and now know
We have no other choice.

By Hillie Feldman   8th July 2003  Kibbutz Yizreel

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Magic Flower Power

Magic Flower Power

I awoke from a dream
   So vivid I could smell 
    The flowers that were floating,
      In the air in millions and billions,
Covering the sky, from horizon to horizon.

A rainbow from the painter’s palette
  Blossoms and blooms, blown skywards
By the sweet perfumed summer winds 
A Persian carpet, only possible in a dream.

From behind a huge Cedar tree, surrounded by pillars of smoke
      A tall man in a conical hat and black flowing robes
Appeared and waved his magic wand--- shouting out
“I am Boaz the Wizard, I command all the flowers in the air
              to dance a merry dance everywhere"

In Japan people in Tokyo looked skywards amazed
  At flying flowers doing cartwheels and dancing in unison.
     On Red Square Moscow all eyes turned heaven wards
            To enjoy the beautiful Dance of the Flowers.

            As the blossoms and Blooms sailed 
  Around the countries of the globe
Everyone came to a stand still,
to admire this heavenly sight.

Parisians climbed the Eiffel Tower
  To get a better View
            Londoners took the afternoon off
  Cameras, Binoculars and even Telescopes
               were everywhere in vogue.
          New York went crazy, crowds rushed 
To the tops of sky scrapers, as the floral
Procession fill the sky with cavorting blooms 
 Poppies and Pansy’s, Petunia’s and Tulips
 Showed their steps to the admiring crowds.

Again Boaz appeared, waved his wand and called out 
“Tulips to the front lead the way to the famous flower
  Markets of Holland where all the World’s
         Flowers loves await you.”

    In that instant the Wizard, Boaz disappeared
As did Millions and Billions of Blossoms and 
    Blooms as they made their dancing way
    to their next and final adventure.

By Hillie Feldman    23rd July 2003

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Martian Sounds

Martian Sounds

A man came down
from mars today.
Wanted to speak but seemed
had nothing to say.

Because the language
he spoke was awfully queer
And the earthlings listening
Just could not hear.

No sounds came from Martian’s mouth
only sparks and electric waves
A language ten millennium years
Ahead of our time and space.

With a wave of his arm he disappeared
Currents of Sound soon now appeared
In clear bright lights He defiantly said.
Pull finger get off you fffing    arse
and one day maybe, you’ll catch up to Mars.

8th December 1998 by Hillie Feldman.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

The Peace I seek

 The Peace I seek

I loathe lies, dislike deceit
I hate the noises of the street.
Prefer the peace of lonely lanes
the honesty of fresh spring rains.

I shun pollution -- the traffic roar
Raucous cries -- down town stores.
The mish mash of the market place.
The hassles of our sad rat race.

I’m off to where the grass grows green
‘pon the flower strewn bank of some placid stream.
In the shade of willows I am going to lie
while cotton wool clouds go drifting by.

And there in the country I will close the gate
on all the thing I have learned to hate
and slowly, in love with my mate
find the peace I seek and rusticate.

27 Oct 1998 by Hillie Feldman

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Passing Thoughts

Passing Thoughts

Why do we seek answers
   for questions that have none?
Why do we build up frustration
  when we could be having fun?

Why to we tear ourselves apart
   over idle remarks?
When we could be enjoying life
   sitting in the park.

The things we fear hardly
   ever come to pass.
On every rough road there are
   some smooth patches at last.

No one ever made progress
   by sulking about his luck
But you can stride out in seven league boots
   if you have a little bit of pluck.

When there are black clouds
   lightning and thunder.
When you feel your whole world
  is being torn asunder.

Then remember the beautiful peace
   that descends after the storm.
A new World of blue skies, singing birds, gentle winds,
       A world reborn.

18th October 1998 by Hillie Feldman

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Lonely So Lonely

Lone So Lonely

For the first time in many years
I was on my own --- No tears
because my mind went back
to long ago when I was a P.O.W.
And in a space of 4 meters by 4 meters
I and eleven others existed horribly together.

Ate together drank together slept together
Endured each other’s night mares, heart stopping screams,
belching, farting, snoring, rolling over, thrashing out,
endless stupid arguments,
that led to blows and beatings black eyes and bloody noses

W suffered together bed bugs, fleas, lice, buzzing flies
Stench of unwashed bodies, boasting, lies, lack of space
Those long black nights when bitter cold allowed no sleep
and Summer’s heat drove us up the walls.

We were Barb- wire crazy confined to the area of the camp
Walked a path along the fence like caged animals in a zoo
That was fifty three years ago, seemed like yesterday
So who could care when today I had freedom and space
on a grassy bank I could lie back and look at the clouds
and luxuriously stretch out and stretch and stretch.

Yet I      was never the less    Lonely So Lonely

24th Dec.1998 by Hillie Feldman

Friday, 7 July 2017

The Hikers

 The Hikers

Oh the beauty and strength of youth
The sturdy legs of the young
They step out in seven League boots
and with laughter and smiles
They wrap up the miles
in merriment and fun

Oh the beauty of the country roads
how serene the sylvan paths
how tightly they carry their loads 
round trees, over rocks and styles.

Lonely lanes awaken as they go 
Happy voices comment on the scene
When you’re young and in your prime
life’s like a rose colored dream,

Around the campfires they sit and sing
mingled voices join guitars
reverberate through the forest night 
neath a canopy of stars.

One by one the lights go out, 
camp fires no longer alight 
No sound except for gentle snores 
disturb the quietness of the night
Now gentle winds sing through 
   grass and trees
      a hikers lullaby.

1st August 1998 by Hillie Feldman

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Poem - Israel the Surprise

Israel the Surprise

Israel the surprise of the century
Nay the Millennium
Almost from the days of the Founding Fathers
was to be eliminated, wiped off the face of the earth. 

Survived four hundred years of slavery 
survived Battles and wars without number
Marched away to the captivity by the Babylonians 
Survived destruction of the Holy of Holies
Their most sacred Temple.

Survived dispersal to the ends of the earth.
cruelty, torture and universal hatred.
The inquisition, the ghetto and history's horrors
yet remained to take part in this modern day.

Even now the nations that closed their doors
To those that survived the holocaust
Are to sit in judgment of how much Israel will retain
and what,  the Arabs are to gain
in the final development.

Mighty Nations have come and gone 
down the pages of History
Each in their turn tried to master us
and now lie forgotten, gathering Dust
while we remain to fight another day
for the freedom of our nation.

26th May 1998 by Hillie Feldman