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Sunday, 1 October 2017

Poem - Bridges of Dreams

 Bridges of Dreams

Spanning all-------Spanning all
Over all the years,
Of Grief and Sorrow
And Unquenchable Tears

Bridges of Dreams
Oft' Times Nightmares
When Horror upon Horror
Brought back long forgotten Fears

Moments of Misery
When all is Murky Black
Labyrinths of Pain
A Mental Torture Wrack.  

Down the long Dark Road
An Avenue He Dreads
Burdened by His Load
The Lonely Traveller Treads.

Slowly the Picture Brightens
The Moon Beams are back
Everywhere the Landscape Lightens
Silvering he Travellers Track.

In the Broad Moonlight
Gone are Fears and Sorrow
Hope, now in sight
For a Bright New Tomorrow.

by Hillie Feldman September 1979

Friday, 29 September 2017



I cannot deny that I ossify
From head to toe
As old age creeps on I find
Myself getting kind of slow.

Where hairs on my head that
Were gray have turned to snow
My beard has reached my belly
Button and continues to grow

And although I do my utmost
Not even to show. It seems
To take a lot longer when I have to
For me to get up and go.

My hearing aid helps me
To hear what you have to say.
If you talk loud and long enough
And it’s the right time of day.

My steps meander down the road
As I change from foot to foot
But I always stick to some remembered route
Although it’s difficult for me to remember
Where I have been or why.

They tell me I will be ninety in a few days’ time
Apart from my hearing aid my stick and my
Memory I am doing fine.  Often when I sit in the park
Watching the girls go by I think of times of time of
Long ago before I became ossified.

by Hillie Feldman August 1998



I want you to be my Valentine.

You’re thin and scraggy ...but so divine.

I know that you're only seventy two.

But for years and years I’ve only wanted you.

I’ve thought of you lately

Both day and night and decided that

      You must be Mr. Right.

If only I could remember why I started this rhyme.

 you and I could have a wonderful time.


 By Hillie Feldman 14th February 1984

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Poem- Murmurs of War

Murmurs of  War

They spoke of Peace
they prayed for peace but
war was no longer far away
not in Bosnia or Chechen
no distant place far beyond the horizon
but now you heard every day
words of anger accusations
threats on radio on T.V.
headlines loud angry hostile.

Already the Vultures and Hyenas were gathering
The B.B.C. and other friends of Israel smelt blood
and came along to stir the pot to make sure that
no-one would be dissapointed. Of course they used the
proper language. They stated the case fairly for bothe sides
butter would not melt in their mouths yet you could feel
at the end of the dispatch that war was around the
corner and no longer in some far away place.

Tomorrow Arafat would march in an act of difiance
to test the waters and to see whether the new Government
would be able to handle this challange to their authority.

by Hillie Feldman 29 August 1996

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Poem - 80 Years young.

                80 Years young.

I remember a curly haired child
Loved and protected midst a
Loving family of brothers, sisters
Dogs and cats, a wonderful
  Warm world.

When I was five years old
Locust arrived in the millions,
 Flew on my face, in my hair
I ran for cover, while they
Gobbled up every green, living thing.

I still remember, a strapping young man
Going to war as proud as a peacock,
Of his beret and tartan Kilts, Transvaal Scottish,
Aching feet and a heavy gun and months
Of parade ground, they said you’re done.

Kenya, forest green, cloying mud unceasing rains,
Lava rocks, and explosive heat, low bush, dry streams
Flying bullets, machine guns rattle.
Ethiopia another battle.
The stench of death, so sad, yet we won.

The Western desert and Saharan scenes,
The angle of death hovering nearby
No time for tears or even to cry
Your friends amongst the dead or dying
Too busy to even say goodbye.

A wall of broken tanks and twisted guns
Burning trucks under a burning sun
Jerry has broken through, our ammo gone,
Word comes through you are on your own,
A failed escape and you are in the bag.

The wind blew away, years and days,
Autumn leaves drifting to earth
The calendar riffling through many seasons,
Vivid green, multi colors, orange and gold.
          Winter snows bitterly cold.

The children grow as fast as we did,
The wife and I agree, so we move over
To make space for the next generation
It all went so fast she said you’re 80 now
And were still having lots of fun, I said.

By Hillie Feldman  28th August 1999
To my sister Bubbles with love.

Saturday, 23 September 2017


  Pegasus or Fly by Night

you don’t have to be serious to write poetry
you just have to have lots of fun and follow Lewis Carrol,
or Charles L. Dodgson if you so wish
"Now that you mention it I will have fish"
Even invent your own words songs or swords
Which definitely won’t get you into the house of lords
and be assured that the nautical night need not leave us at sea

 Pegasus TO THE MOON


                         THE END
by Hillie Feldman August 1996

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Poem - Memories of Africa

Memories of Africa

Amazing! I glance at a much loved object and the veil
of the years disappears like smoke wafted away
by the winds of time and that old brass bell
fashioned by craftsmen in Africa long years ago
is being sold to me by an itinerant Indian man bright eyed and
attentive. I pay I smile I say goodbye and now it is 30 years later.

On the old oak sideboard marked by the patina of time
 rests a pair of Indian brass slippers ---Mombasa floods back now
exotic fragrance, spices of Zanzibar fill my nostrils -- A romantic
moment, she turns to me, big eyes wide open tell me to buy, so I
exchange a slipper for a kiss.
Forty years ago and she still looks fabulous.

A collection, a miniature brass bucket, a tiny pair of brass
candlesticks and a miniature brass kettle grouped together,
a look of old gold caught our eye when we wandered into a tiny shop,
Simonstown where the Navy gathers in big bay at the Cape, a
Souvenir we told ourselves, anyway the sales lady was lovely, forty 
five years later we still remember her smile.

A hard wood bowl and lid--- Our tourist trip around the Eastern
 Transvaal, the Game Reserve, Long Tom Pass, Grassmere, Bridal Veil 
Falls, we saw them all. We meandered past forested mountains and
old gold diggings, where ghosts still dig for the elusive treasure and
the winter wind howl through the abandoned mines until we 
reached Pilgrims Rest where a huge shop devoted to Souvenirs 
found this Pillbox of wood, we have used these many years.

 by Hillie Feldman  July 1996

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Poem - So Very Much Alone

So Very Much Alone

The trees are black
The streets so bleak
Autumn brown the grass

The bright blue skies
Give no hint
That the winters her at last

The Autumn leaves
Are sear and crisp
And fall in steady showers

Stirred up by playful winds
They spin along the silent streets
And scatter through the flowers.

When evening comes the bitter cold
Everywhere the mist enfolds
Ghostly figures hurry home
Some so very much alone
Alone alone for endless hours.

by Hillie Feldman  August 23rd 1996

Friday, 15 September 2017



If Space is matched
by irrevocable time
And Time and Tide
Wait for no Man

Man had better find
His Place in Space
Before another Mightier
Tsunami hits the Deck

Consult Noah

by Hillie Feldman 6th January 2005

Monday, 11 September 2017

Poem - Ode to a stone

Ode to a stone

Round and smooth
Almost marble white - alabaster
You could perhaps have lain
On the battle field for centuries
Where the Philisine's mighty Goliath
Challenged the best
Of Israel to a duel

And when at last
A young small lad
Stepped forward to do battle
With the Giant Goliath
The Philistines fell about laughing
At the puny challenger
To their mighty man of war.

Picking you up
Round and smooth
Almost marble white - alabaster
David put you in his sling
And whirling the leather thong
Approved by God
Around his head
He sent the messenger of death
True and straight
To crack Goliath's skull

And claiming victors rights
David strode to where Goliath
And struck off his head
To mark David's Victory

And you round and smooth
Almost marble white - alabaster
Helped your royal to be -selector
To be come King of Israel.

by Hillie Feldman undated

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Poem - Whisperings of Peace

 Whisperings of Peace

Whispering, sounds, like the name
Of a lovely perfume
Or and exquisite
Banquet of flowers.

Two lovers arm in arm
With arms enfolded
Shadows merge
Into one.
No loud voices
No loud sounds
But the silken
Softness of the wind
Through the grass.
The gentle sigh
Through the trees.
Adoring eyes lock
With eyes of brown.

I love you
He whispers
Hardly a sound
At such the scene
You would tip toe around
Holy Ground
Maybe God is listening.

by Hillie Feldman
Published in New Waves 2000 No. 9 A PEACE ANTHOLOGY
for Culture, Literature,Art& Society June 15 2000 Israel

Saturday, 9 September 2017



who jumped over the moon
followed by a brown bull
who thought he was a spoon.

and the high nonnie no
this is where the cat comes in
with a pretty purple bow

I suppose you are wondering
what happened to the fiddle
while the little dog barked
it was an awful riddle

Until the dish got him connected up
with the Radio and T.V.
and now he is a great success
in any good company.
                         with apologies to the Nursery Rhyme
                         FOR JULES AND THE REFET
by Hillie Feldman  July1996

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Poem - Salute to the Founding Fathers

Salute to the Founding Fathers

‘Neath the leaping hills of the Gilboa
Above the lovely valley of Jezreel
Surrounded by almond groves and luscious
green fields of waving wheat and cotton
lies the place chosen by Our Founding fathers as the place
nearest to heaven - - Kibbutz Yizreel.

Here in Spring and Summer the wild flowers grow
In such profusion that the ground is covered  
with a rainbow of sweet smelling blooms.
Here too the gentle warm winds blow the scent
over the valley to where the Dragon Flies
hover over our lower dam and bird song fills the air.

It was here the Founding Fathers almost five decades ago
with only ideals courage and determination chose the
place which we today proudly call Kibbutz Yizreel.
They fought the flies the heat mud and rain and cold
lived through dangers and tragedy of many wars
sadly opened the cemetery in our almond grove
wept many tears yet knew great days of triumph
and joy to bring us safely to this day when we
can proudly salute our founding fathers.

by Hillie Feldman 18th June 1996

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Poem - Tea Time

Tea Time

She said you put on the kettle and I will make tea
Hey I said whee are you going now
I'm just off to the garden to pick some sweetpeas
 slip slop her slippers went as she passed me at the door.

Well I might as well write some more
The kettle was whistling like a tiny toy train
The steam rose  in the clouds and now I could see
The green country side we were running through
The track gleaming bright in the Summer sunlight.

She came through the door with a huge Posy
                purple pink and white
Where have you been she said to me
      and what has happened to the tea
       flip flop went her slippers.

I have been having a dream I said
The Train steamed out ten minutes ago
             by the way I put on the kettle
You said you would make tea.

Again the whistle blew  The steam rose in clouds
       with the tea forgotten I was back on track
With the train going full steam ahead.

Hi she said its four o clock
Tea Time  we both  said in unison
As she passed me on the way to the kitchen
          her slippers flip flopped.

I got out of the train and came to tea.
We raised out cups together
           Tea Time We said.

By Hillie Feldman  4th July 1997

Monday, 4 September 2017


We live in a grim grey world
Love and laughter have disappeared
Mankind has time only
For Murder, Rape, Arson and Pillage
War and the devastation it brings.

Our media Our T.V. face us daily
 with Man’s inhumanity to Man
Guns blaze, blood pours, farms
 villages, towns and cities destroyed
People homeless hopeless maimed and starving
Little children in agony and tears.

Again the refugees flood the roads
   fleeing for their lives, dragging their sick
   old and wounded with them and their humble
   possessions litter the earth as they grow too
  weary to hold on to them any longer.

Yet there is much love
In the world - - it always has been
 hidden in our hearts - -frozen in
 our minds and souls.
That were it to be released
Like it was at the time of Princess Di.

From the slow moving Glaciers
 of the hearts of mankind
 freed from the frozen wastes
 of our Siberian Souls
From the  Ice Caps of the Arctic
  and Antarctic of our minds.

There would be so much love
 set in motion, it would flood
 the Universe with happiness and laughter
 and joyously ring the bells of Heaven
               for all eternity.

 By Hillie Feldman 12th May 1998

Saturday, 2 September 2017



When the leaves do fall
  and the wind blows cold
  and the scene that was green
  turns to russet and gold
           its Autumn.

When the clouds and the sun
  are steeped in bright gold
  and the stories of summer
  have long since been told

When the birds sketch a “vee”
   in the golden blue skies
When they gather in thousands
  to say their goodbyes.

When the shadows grow long
  and the field of ripe corn
  and the scent of new hay
  over the still air is borne

When the silos are filled
  with corn wheat and grain
  and the sun drenched fields
  are at rest once again

When the days that were warm
  are silent and chill
  and the brooks that were busy
  now have grown still.

When the children have
  left and we are alone
  and the birds – all off
  to their spring homes have flown

When the sun dips down behind the darkening hill
  When the mists creep up furtive and chill
                   Then its Autumn
A time for remembering silent and sad……..

By Hillie Feldman  August 1998

Friday, 1 September 2017

Poem= My million dollar Grandson.

My million dollar Grandson.
 copied 23rd March, 2005.

                                He came to me – as blond as could be.

                                Twinkling eyes, - blue of the sea,

                                  Aged three and three bits, – every bit a boy.

                                  Ready to play with every kind of toy.

                                         My million dollar Grandson.

                               We played with trains- he played with a car.

                                Jig saw pieces spread wide and far.

                                   Story books in wild array.

                                   My blue-eyed blond was happy at play.


                                   Leaning Towers built at speed.

                                   A dervish dance to mark the deed.

                                    He twisted, turned, and rolled around.

                                    Now jumping high, now carpet bound.


                                  The sun went down-the moon was bright.

                                  He played as if he would play all night.

                                     From where I lay I decided to peep,

                                     Gently smiling he was fast asleep.

                                           My million dollar Grandson.

                                                                                        Hillie Feldman.                   


                 Originally written 7th December 1985.

                            Specially for Tal.

                                With love.            hillie


The dinosaurs have passed and gone
          Down the pages of history
Some of them weighed as much as 30 ton
          Their passing a bit of a mystery

They lived for a 140 million years
         A rather large chunk of time
Somehow their passing has evoked no tears
         Not even justified this rhyme.

By Hillie Feldman  undated.



1939 to 1943, You know, The War
To end all Wars.
The War that was going to give Hitler
His much declared 1000 Year Reich.

and I was a Member of the poor bloody Infantry.

You join - look smart in uniform.
Our Hero is going to win The War.
You go in to glorious action,
  the Western Desert - The burning sun
The Stukas dive their dirty work done
Echoes of Machine Gun fire and
Rag Dolls that were once your Pals.

You survive but now you’re a P.O.W
Only a number, no longer a personality
Two years in Italy--- still you hang on
The Germans are being beaten
Our side has won
But No    They come for you again,
This time Germany is a new Pen.

You survive, for exercise you take up Boxing
As a Springbok you represent South Africa
      to do battle with Aussies Kiwis
      Tommies and Yanks.

Under the arc Lights the Ring --  Professional
Your time has come   You Climb into the Ring
A sea of faces   The roar of the crowd
The umpire says  “keep it clean.”
You face a Kiwi ex Coal Heaver.

He punches you and you quiver
      from head to foot
You punch him and your fist
      feels like it hit  a brick wall
Three rounds you go fighting all the way.
A hiding you got the worst in your life
He won of course - - You are happy to go to bed.

Next morning they call you,   The bloke you fought
                            Is  Disqualified.
He was a professional not a novice as he declared
You have to face another fight,
“Oi Vay” you say I Won…..but have I lost.

by Hillie Feldman 8th December 1998

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Poem -Seine Insane

Seine Insane

In gay Paree
Along the River Seine.
There is a man,
I cannot explain.

In full view of Thousands,
With fantastic zest.
He dives from Bridges,
Fully dressed.

In winter, when the River’s,
Icy cold.
He puts on a show
Amazingly Bold.

He pirouettes along the parapets
Escapes the Gendarmes.
Swallow dives into the river.
In to his Mother’s arms.

Every time I see him
I say again and again.
This crazy Frenchman,
I’m sure is in Seine.

By Hillie Feldman
Published in Voices Israel Poetry.  Best poems of 2005

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

I'd Do It

I'd Do It

If I could live a thousand years,
         and share again the love and tears
                   Ive shared with you these many years
               I'd Do It.

If I could laugh the way we laughed
              or tease or squeeze as we oft' times chaffed
                     or lie with you beside the hearth
              I'd Do It

We shared our Spring and Summer too.
             The autumn leaves are now sa few,
                    If I could share our winters too
              I'd Do It

By Hillie Feldman   7th February 1980

Friday, 25 August 2017

It's All Just Talk

 It's All Just Talk

We sit at a table eat our meal and talk.
As there are at least five of us assembled,
The conversation is mundane and goes nowhere,
Until someone comes in with an item of news
That makes everyone sit up and take notice.

This is Israel and its 2002 and no end of excitement.
One of our people just arrived back by Bus
And was witness to Police cars and Ambulances
 Flying by on their way to Beit Shean, a place she
Had visited only an hour before.

She had brought a small radio-set with her and
Right on 12.00 we hear the broadcast.
Two armed terrorists had shot up a crowd
Of voters standing in a queue outside the
Polling booth, killing many, and wounding many more.

The report said that the Terrorists had both been killed.
further news would be reported as soon as available.
We discussed her narrow escape from trouble,
And everyone now had to tell a story of recent
Or distant, escapes, in which they had participated.

Sometimes we discussed Philosophy, Pornography
History, The Cinema, Art, Personal Health, Operations,
Past and Present, the weather, Rainfall, Thunder,
Lightening, Hail, Snow, Cyclones and Chamsins.
Arafat and Sharon, The Likud and Muslims.

We talked about Hannukah mentioned Ramadan
And Xmas would all fall round about the same time.
Another year would soon be over and we counted,
Our years and realized that siting around the table
The youngest of us was 78, and the oldest was,
Heading for 90 by far the oldest folk,
                      On the Kibbutz

 by Hillie Feldman 10 December 2002

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Moon Light Romance

 Moon Light Romance

I’m a teenage kid from the Rio-Grande
There’s something in my life I’d love to understand.
Why I’ve fallen in love with the Man in the Moon?
And how I’m ever going to get that love to bloom.

I have spoken to Space Folk, about a Rocket Trip
To the man I greatly desire,  I’m shy to tell them,
That just dreaming of him, sets my blood on fire.
Space Folk say, No, No, you cannot go.
Until, we know you better.

I’ve received a letter from Space Station Mars
You know, one of the most brilliant Stars,
They have a space rocket travelling soon,
Once in six Months, home, via the Moon.

Pay one Million Dollars, supply your own Space suit,
The deal, they said, would suit them fine,
All meals on the house, including superb Wines
Now all I need is the Dollars and Dimes.

A newspaper group, the Noon Gazette heard of my plight,
We’ll be happy to sponsor your Romantic Moon Flight
As long as we get the exclusive rights, the love affair
Including all photos of the happy pair.

With huge international fan fare, we landed on the Moon,
Ticker Tape, wild applause, and a New Moon Tune.
In a golden silk frock, space suit, haute couture, designed
I rushed out, my Moon man to find.

There he was, frozen stiff, carved in blue rock
It will take me the rest of my life to get over the shock.

by Hillie Feldman 7th  January 2002

Tuesday, 22 August 2017



I lay on the bank of a stream in the shade of a willow.
A beautiful warm spring day, with birds chattering and singing
Dragonflies hovering over the water, bees buzzing, the sky a
Brilliant blue, with the occasional snow-while clouds, drifting by.

The Kinneret flashing in a bright sunlight, only a mile from my
Peaceful nest, hardly stirred, as gentle winds moved slowly over
 the huge mirror, I fell asleep and dreamed of a peaceful World.
Flowers, butterflies, bird song, cascading rivers, and rainbows.

I awoke to the shattering noise of machine guns and bombs
Coming to me from a nearby hill, in a moment I crawled
Under the trailing branches of a willow, well-hidden I waited
Hoping that the gunmen would not come my way.

My dreams shattered I agonized over why there had to be blood
And death and suffering, when in the end, someone would have to sit
  down and negotiate, before both opponents destroyed each other.
In a war that promised no winner.

Up and down Israel in every corner of the land,
Snipers, bombers ride-by murderers, take their toll
Blood and tears to much for anyone to bear.
Ambulances streak through the streets carrying loads
Of, stricken humanity, Doctors, Nurses run off their feet.

In Gaza and Rammallah, Jenin, in the refugee camps, Balata, Jabalya
Spread over the PLO territory, there too, death meets the eye.
Wrecked building, burned out vehicles, torn up roads, blood,
Gore, everywhere, the price to be paid for this awful senseless war.

Today again a suicide bomber wreaked a terrible harvest of death.
In reply helicopter gunships, planes and artillery, rained hell on the PLO.
Oceans of blood, ruined lives, broken hearts, weeping, cursing,
Nothing will help until we meet round a table.

"Right now I would like to get back to my exquisite dreams of Peace."

 By Hillie Feldman 5th March 2003

Porm =A Wise Little Lamb

A Wise Little Lamb

Ann had a little lamb
Who joined her at school each day
And when the children went to play,
She studied her computer.

At Latin and Greek she was amazing
French and English  learned at speed
Maths' and Algebra no trouble at all
Calculus a mere waterfall.

Her knowledge was praised to the skies
No one could pull the wool over her eyes.
Ann's little lamb won the school's annual prize
Which brought tears and happiness to everyones eyes.

By Hillie Feldman  28th March 2001



Maybe you know the latest buzz at the Uno
   Is that Goliath has become a Jew
  And that David in a version of completely new
  Is the little P.L.O. so weak and so few.

Of course it’s a known fact that the Arabs
  Already have 99.9% of the Middle East
  But their appetite grows like active yeast
  And will not be satisfied until they have the lot
                and we less than the least.

By Hillie Feldman  29th October 2000

Monday, 21 August 2017

"All I could say was Oi Oi VAY"

All I could say was Oi, Oi, VAY"

It was all rush, scoot, scurry, hasten and flurry
We were at the airport in a terrific hurry
As usual we had left things more than a little late,
Our taxi driver, a lunatic, with an urgent date
Was going to prove that he could get there on time, NOT LATE.

At the wheel, he was king of all he surveyed
Stop street, TRAFFIC SIGNS, were no import to this guy,
He tore round corners leaving long lines, dazed,
Pedestrians who thought their time had come, to die.

He over-took everything, hugging the crown.
While on-coming traffic failed to deny
This juggernaut, with flashing eye, and screeching horn
Chased every car, until a 3 Story high,
Bore down on us, like a threatening storm.

Without a second's hesitation, not a word did he say
With two wheels on the tarmac, two on display,
   shock absorbers moaning, he returned to our lane
   almost touching the side of the speeding “Train”
As he changed direction, with no change of speed
   all of our insides shook like a reed.

Behind us we could hear screeching, brakes, and a thump-
Metal crumpled as wrecked cars joined the dump.
We flew on like the wind, pleading with him to go slow
“You will get us all killed” my wife bellowed,
“beseder” he said “it’s OK we are nearly there, now”

We dashed up to the AIRPORT “never ever again,”
I paid him his fare plus 20 more, I wasn’t sure, that he was sane
I packed a trolley, rushed the family through the door
Arriving at the Counter in time, if not before
“Bangkok?”  Sorry Sir, there’s a two hour delay.
All I could say was Oi, Oi, VAY"

Hillie Feldman 24th April 2000

Where lies the truth

 Where lies the truth

I listen carefully to all the conversations around me,
To stories, myths, mysticism and “Bobbe Meises”
Exaggerations, tall tales, fabrications, and fairy tales.
Deceit, misrepresentation, lies and damned lies.
       I wonder where lies the truth.

I’ve a soft touch for salesmen with all sorts of wares.
Been sold, encyclopedias, which lack info I need.
Mattresses whose springs give way to an early autumn,
Heaters that never see a single winter,
      and summer shades that shrivel in the heat.

Been sold shares that died an unnatural death, the day after.
Books that are totally dissimilar the outer cover blurb.
Holiday accommodation with a glorious view of the sea.
if I stand on a stepladder and crane my neck enough,
                   to see a patch of the blue.

But worst of all a taxi driver who took me for a ride.
Quoted me thirty shekels for a normal eleven shekel trip.
And then short changed me, with trickery, turning my
Fifty shekel note, into twenty, demanding that I pay another ten.
A lying bastard, a bandit, and a highwayman.

There are politicos who make election promises that are never kept,
Presidents, swearing their way into immediate perjury.
Lawyers who part  you of your money, like taking toffee from kids.
International accountants, who Crook the Books, for a handsome fee.
Corruption so rife, that Mafia professionals, struggle to compete.

So many liars in the world around, crooks, twisters and thieves,
Honest men are not easily found. I often ask myself
                    "Where lies the truth."

by Hillie Feldman  22 January 2002

Sunday, 20 August 2017

The Dead Sea

The Salty Sea

The sea is salty 
With all the tears
Mankind has shed.

Even saltier still 
and dead as can be, 
Is the sea of salt
Known to all as the Dead Sea.

by Hillie Feldman
Wealth and Death

He was as wealthy as Croesus
Owned ships on the sea
Had money in the bank
the banks belonged to him.

He had homes in many cities
and country houses too 
Diamonds, Jewels and Rubies 
and a Cockatiel or two.

He had horses in the stables
Employed people who were able 
to make more and more gold 
And wealth that would unfold
only after his death.

He heard that death was after him
leaving all behind him 
he dropped out of sight.

After six months or more
Not daring to show his face
at any place he was known.
he stayed away from 
his banks and businesses
and stayed away from home

At last destitute and tired 
he lay down in the dust to rest
Death appeared suddenly and
Said to him.

Hillie Feldman 7th August 1980
Edited from manuscript by Ronnie Feldman.