that caused your blood to run cold
your hair to stand on end
your heart to be set aquiver
to be so paralysed with fear
that not a shout or scream
could leave your throat.
Could sweat, cramped limbs
Pain in the guts and then
uncontrollable shakes , that
left you in terror or your own shadow.
A Daymare however is ever
so much more pleasant.
I took a walk
along the kibbutz Main road.
followed a rough winding track
to our dam
the highest point of the escarpment
top of the dam wall.
From the foothills of the Gilboa,
the valley of Jezreel lay far below me,
as pretty as a picture,
an artist's dream
In the far distance the route like an arrow
made its way from Beit Shean to Afula
and onwards westwards to Haifa
Tel Aviv Road.
Suddenly I saw Army after Army marching
Hitites , Amalekites , Phoenicians, Chaldeans,
Egyptians Greeks and Romans Assyrians Crusaders
Turks French and British
a moment of glory , gone , into the mists of history.
by Hillie Feldman. 4th January 1999
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