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Friday, 18 August 2017

Reincarnation Shivers - Poetry foundation

 Reincarnation Shivers

A shiver crept up and down my spine
Yet the midday sun was scorching hot
and even the foliage of the deep green trees
drooped with exhaustion trying to hold
the succulence gathered in the leaves
from the power of the relentless orb in the sky.

Soldiers on the shore leave, for the day, still rolling
like sailors from the unending dip and rise
of the deep green sea and the roaring waves along
the coast of east Africa where the warm currents flow
and the tropical jungles come down to the sea
Arab Dhows breasting the waves enter Mombasa.

From the port to the Town we followed the unpaved road
Ghostly visions of years gone by like a mirage
appeared to my eyes alone and before we reached
the next corner leading to the main road of the city
a scene appeared to me of what lay ahead, so vividly
that I stopped my two companion and said to them.

I have never been out of South Africa before this
yet I have and eery feeling I have been here before
I know exactly what we are going to see when we
turn the next corner and if you let me I will tell you.
They laughed uproariously and told me that I
was trying to pull their legs, play the fool with them.

Then seeing how serious I looked and a little nervous too
They said go ahead and if it is not as you describe
You must undertake to pay for our lunches today.
and if I am right you two are going to pay for mine
All agree we walked around the corner and all of us
stood for a long time in absolute shock at the scene.

by Hillie Feldman 27th January 1999

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